It seems like wherever you look, things are out of control. We are in an energetic period of upheaval. We see this globally, but it also influences us personally within our own lives. Times of upheaval can be disconcerting and scary, but it is important to realize that the chaos serves a higher purpose of clearing out the old to make way for the new; it is a purge.
The focus is uncovering all the things that no longer work for us, individually and collectively. Anything that doesn’t serve our highest good is being reviewed, and if found to be constructed on a weak foundation, it is dismantled. This energy began in 2018 and will extend well beyond 2020. Please know that these experiences ultimately serve humanity, even if it feels threatening.
It is self-reflection time. Are you the person you want to be? Is this the life you want to live? Are you in the relationship you want to be in? Are you doing the work you feel called to do? Are the people you surround yourself with in alignment with who you are becoming? Do your belief systems and thought patterns serve you? If the answer is no, now is the time to begin making changes. You have likely already been feeling these inklings, but if you haven’t listened, the volume will be turned up.
In the face of chaos or change, we often react with fear; we resist and desperately hold onto the old because it is familiar and feels safe. But the harder you cling, the more chaotic things will feel. If we refuse to listen to our inner prompts to shed what no longer serves us, our higher selves will find a way to clear it out for us.
We see these energies reflected everywhere in our collective. Over the last year, many corrupt systems and people have been exposed. All of our social structures are being reviewed. The old ways of inequality, hierarchy, elitism, secrecy, corruption and control are ending. Anything constructed from a low form of consciousness will collapse. This will continue in the coming years.
This will be a lengthy energetic shift. What we have been feeling lately is a teaser for what is on deck for 2020 and beyond. It gives us time to adjust to better prepare us for what is to come. The best thing you can do is focus inward on yourself, release your baggage, heal your wounds, and expand beyond your comfort zone. Embrace change because, one way or another, it is coming. It will take strength, courage and resilience for what is to come, but it is why you are here. We are on the precipice of tearing down the old so we can rebuild. And what a beautiful thing it will be.
Written by: Lacey
Up next: 2020 to 2022
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Disclaimer: The information presented here is based on my personal experience, perception, ideas, and current level of consciousness and should, therefore, be considered theory, not fact. Always use discernment when ingesting content, including this content.
This content was originally posted on April 26, 2019.