It may be helpful to read previous updates before reading this one:
We are experiencing a reflection period throughout March and April 2020, and we are being forced to slow down. The purpose of this is so we have the time to reflect and discover what we truly align with because we will have some very important choices to make in the coming months.
As we are gifted this pause, we are being asked to reflect upon our true values as individuals and humanity as a whole. We are being shown where our past choices and ways of life have led us to dependency and disconnection. We are being shown which systems and structures no longer work. We are not meant to go into fear over this, although, in many ways, it is where we are being encouraged to go by self-serving sanctions. You are being invited to step out of your fear and into your personal power by choosing to go inward instead. This will light the path for you over the coming years, which will be purposefully darkened with doubt and fear by those who wish to retain control.
We are witnessing the beginning of the shift of our world. We have known for a long time that things are not working. Many things are broken upon our planet, and we are entering a time of releasing what no longer serves us. We will witness this through waves of events over the coming years.
The Higher Purpose of 'Disaster'
Just as humans must release trauma and wounding energy, so does the Earth. Earth uses storms, fires, flooding, volcanoes, earthquakes, epidemics, etc., as a form of transmutation. The release can be gentle, or it can be jarring. Through natural disasters, the density is cleared, and the frequency is raised. From a human perspective, it is hard to accept this because we perceive only the devastation and loss of life that may occur, not the energetic shift.
Disaster triggers our empathy and opens our hearts, which is no small thing. Disaster serves a very high purpose, and although it is challenging, it is required as a transformational force in the dimensional frequency we are currently in. This will not always be so, but there has been much repression and brutality in our world, and this density must be cleared. It is something we must accept and assist with before we can move forward.
It is very important that as we witness this transmutation, we do not allow ourselves to get stuck in fear. Fear allows you to be repressed and controlled. We are in the demolition phase of a renovation, which is always the most challenging, inconvenient scary and messy part. We must remain as centred and grounded as possible throughout this transition.
Opposing Forces
As we increase our awareness, we will be met with resistance. This resistance comes from those that want to retain power and control, which they have held for centuries. They are dependent on humanity's ignorance, which is slipping. In their desperation, they will employ many last-ditch efforts to retain power. The reign of control and manipulation through fear is being exposed due to the level of consciousness upon the planet rising beyond the tipping point as more and more individuals awaken each day.
The Awakening
We are rising. We are about to witness massive waves of awakening upon our planet. Droves of people will wake up over the next two years, both to the truths of what's happening in our world and to their divine essence. An awareness of both will be required. As people wake up, they will struggle at first and be horrified at the world they see, but there are many in place to support and assist through this process.
Each day higher and higher vibrational energy is pouring into the planet. Many of us have sensed and waited for this for years; however, we may not have envisioned how challenging this process would be nor how long it would take. We must have patience, strength and courage, and above all, hold love in our hearts as we rise through the veil of fear. This will not be a simple or fast process, but a worthwhile one of birthing a new world where love and unity are the pillars of existence.
If you would like to understand why this energetic shift is occurring, read more about it here: The Shift
Written by: Lacey
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Disclaimer: The information presented here is based on my personal experience, perception, ideas, and current level of consciousness and should, therefore, be considered theory, not fact. Always use discernment when ingesting content, including this content.
This content was originally posted on March 21, 2020.