Hurt people hurt others. This is the sole reason for the current state of our world. All the hurtful things we do to ourselves, each other, and our planet all stem from repressed pain. This is why it is each individual's personal duty to heal. Unfortunately, this isn't easy because humans are masters at avoidance. But we are at a point in our collective consciousness where repression is no longer serving us. It is time to heal.
If you are meant to walk the path of awakening, one day, out of nowhere, it will dawn on you just how much pain you've allowed into your life. And it will break your heart. And then, you will be faced with all the times you have been the one doling out the pain. And it will break your ego. This is your soul's calling to begin the work.
But many of us choose to stay stuck in our pain. This seems illogical. Why would anyone choose this? The reason is simple: to truly heal our pain, we must feel it, and there is nothing scarier than facing your own darkness. Instead, most of us spend our entire lives running from our pain, doing anything we can to avoid it. Anger, sadness and apathy are easier, so we choose victimhood and dissociation over healing.
But if you have landed here, your soul has already chosen the healing path. It is not an easy journey. It requires the utmost strength, courage, and faith. Success is not guaranteed. We exist in a realm of free will, so you always have a choice: you can turn back, or you can go into the darkness and bring light there. The decision is yours.
You should be aware that once you've been activated into awakening (which you have), if you choose to turn back, your soul will never stop nudging you. You can attempt to drink, drug, gamble, eat, sex, work, achieve, accumulate, avoid or distract the whispers away all you want, but they will persist. Your heart will never stop pushing you towards the healing path because this is why you are here: to free yourself. Welcome to your awakening.
Written by: Lacey
Up Next: Spiritual Awakening
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This content was originally posted on January 29, 2025.