Consciousness is a state of being, of which there are many levels. As a species, we currently reside in 3D material consciousness, but as we slowly evolve, dense energies within us are transmuted, allowing for a shift toward higher-dimensional consciousness. This is the process of ascension.
Disclaimer: The information presented here is based on my personal experience, perception, ideas, and current level of consciousness and should, therefore, be considered theory, not fact. Always use discernment when ingesting content, including this content.
Also, this is a very conceptual article. If it seems like I am speaking gibberish, come back in a year. You might be surprised! Alternatively, if you are searching for information pertaining to a more personal level, you may prefer to read Spiritual Awakening.
What is ascension?
Our current perception is that we exist solely in this third-dimensional reality, but in truth, we are multidimensional beings. We aren't just physical, we are also energetic, and aspects of us exist on other planes. As we do the inner work to heal our trauma and balance our karma, we release density and our vibrational frequency rises, allowing us to connect with increasingly higher-dimensional aspects of ourselves (i.e. an expansion in consciousness); this is how I perceive the process of ascension.
It isn't just individuals who are energetically evolving, but also our planet (and the solar system as a whole). There are cycles of ascension, where the frequency of the Earth rises and our consciousness expands, and cycles of descension, where the frequency lowers and our consciousness contracts. This is an extremely slow cycle that occurs over thousands of years.
We are currently in the beginning phases of an ascension cycle. More and more people are awakening, and as we do, our previous state of consciousness no longer aligns. This includes all we have created while existing in that state. These old levels of consciousness and the creations associated with them are becoming outdated. We are entering a dismantling phase, where all that no longer matches our expanding consciousness is released. This is happening on both the individual and collective levels.
Why is ascension happening?
I believe our cycles of evolution/devolution correlate to our galaxy's location within the cosmos. In an ascension phase, higher frequency energies become available to Earth and are filtered down to us through our sun (and other planets in our solar system), which triggers the ascension process. The cyclic nature of the cosmos dictates everything. Suns are energy portals, and as our sun lines up with higher-dimensional suns, increasing amounts of high-vibrational energy will become available to us over the coming centuries.
Where are we ascending to?
The "where" is not a place but a state of being. We are in the process of shifting from a dense/material lower-dimensional state into a more etheric, higher-dimensional one. If you track your energetic trail back through the upper dimensional frequencies from which you materialized, you will eventually reach Source energy. There are energetic aspects of the soul still present at each of these levels between our physical/material third dimension and Source. As we heal and move more deeply into the heart, we are able to access higher vibrational aspects of self and embody more and more of it in our physical bodies. We are in the process of expanding into a higher state of consciousness, and this is where we are ascending to. It is a slow and gradual process that occurs over years and lifetimes.
Who is ascending?
Every being chooses whether to participate in the ascension timeline or not. Solar frequencies are available to everyone, but whether we embody them and participate in the ascension path is an individual choice. Not everyone will select to evolve organically through spiritual development. This is a free-will individual choice.
When is ascension happening?
It is happening now. Ascension or descension is always happening; we are never stagnant. However, if, when and how ascension occurs (or doesn't occur) on an individual level is up to each person; it is not guaranteed. We are constantly shifting timelines and outcomes, dictated by our personal choices and focus of energy.
How are we ascending?
Ascension happens through self-awareness, healing and transmutation. We must integrate the shadow within. This is part of the ascension process that cannot be bypassed. Although uncomfortable, each person who wishes to continue on this path must face themselves and their pain. The only way out of the darkness is through it.
You are a multidimensional being who chose to come to Earth at this time. As you heal (if you choose to do so), you assist humanity in doing the same. Higher states of consciousness are available to us now, but we must choose for ourselves whether to access them or not. All of this is a great honor to partake in. For many of us, it won't be until we pass on from this life that we will realize what a sacred and rare experience this was.
We currently exist in a dimension of duality (love/fear; light/dark). In this reality, we all have polarity within us, which is reflected in the extreme division we see in the world today (as within, so without). As we expand in consciousness, the division within will continually dissolve, but this is only possible through healing, transmutation and embracing a frequency of love.
As the Earth and humanity's collective consciousness shifts, more and more darkness will become evident, within and without. This is a necessary part of the process, as we cannot change what we cannot see/sense/feel. This can be an incredibly unnerving experience, and given the extremes, we often slip into fear in response to what we are observing internally and externally. But the entire point of what we are going through right now, as individuals and as a world, is to rise above our fear by transmuting it. We must witness the hidden darkness coming to light and face it with unconditional love. As we apply this heart-based consciousness to ourselves, we heal and can apply it to the external world. When you can integrate shadow aspects with love, compassion and forgiveness while applying accountability and maintaining healthy boundaries, you know you have come very far on your evolutionary path.
It also helps to hold the perspective that this shadow/light polarity aspect is currently serving us. If we observe the world (inner and outer), we can see the division and potentially become disheartened, but if you look closer, you will see something magical being catalyzed by the extreme division: awakening.
To me, awakening is gaining awareness of something you weren't previously aware of. There are different types of awakening. The article Truth Rising outlines the awakening process to 3D earthly truths, while Spiritual Awakening discusses the initiation of the personal ascension path. It is important to integrate both.
It is easy to escape into spiritualism, but this can leave us ungrounded and detached from reality. We chose to come to Earth at this time for a reason, and it isn't to ignore the dark truths of this planet (or ourselves); it is to heal them. But we cannot heal that which we refuse to witness. Adversely, it is also possible to become overly engrossed in the 3D experience and forget higher truths. Continually focusing on the earthly events unfolding around us can put us in a fear state, trapping us in a lower vibrational frequency.
Spiritual maturity requires us to partake in the 3D, no matter how painful, while reawakening to heart-based consciousness and maintaining our alignment to higher frequencies and timelines. Balance is required, and this is what we are learning to do now. We did not come here to pretend the darkness within us, and within this world, does not exist; we came here to transmute it. This is our initiation onto the ascension path.
It is easy to get overwhelmed and feel hopeless when you begin to awaken. The best way to avoid this is to focus on yourself and not get caught up in external events or other people's choices and opinions. We must stay in our own lane and become anchored within ourselves so we do not become despondent and energetically drained. Here are a few ways to do this:
1) Discover Your Values
Most of us follow the program of what we are told life "should" look like, but this is up for review now. Take a look at your life from a heart-led perspective. What matters to you on a core level? These are your values. Once you discover your values, start living them; no excuses. We have been conditioned to wait for approval, validation and external change before taking action, but this only results in stagnancy. Being the change you want to see certainly applies here.
2) Awaken to Your Sovereignty
Sometimes, we don't want to take responsibility for our own lives because that may require us to act or change in a way we are scared to, so we tell ourselves that we have no choice. However, it is usually closer to the truth that it may not be a convenient choice or one you like, but it is still a choice. If you aren't happy with your life, review your choices and awaken to your sovereignty.
3) Cultivate Patience, Compassion, Forgiveness and Peace
We are shifting into an entirely new paradigm. The structures, systems, and ways we have known for centuries are being dismantled and rebuilt. This takes time. See this time as a gift, a period in which we can begin cultivating patience, compassion, forgiveness and peace in our hearts because we will need it. This is a marathon, not a sprint. So buckle in and enjoy the ride.
4) Conduct energetic hygiene
Dense energies are being released from within and are present all around. Regular energetic maintenance is key to keeping us clear and grounded.
5) Heal
Your trauma and karma are your responsibility to transmute and heal. Continuing to avoid (or cling to) your pain only keeps you chained to your oppressor (which may be yourself). Healing is your duty when on the ascension path.
Ultimately, we are being called to go inwards and connect with our hearts. Your superpower at this time is focusing on yourself and doing the inner work. Then, you can take action in the external world from a vibration of love and unity rather than fear and division. This is how we change the world.
Written by: Lacey
Up Next: Spiritual Science (with Gigi Young)
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Disclaimer: The information presented here is based on my personal experience, perception, ideas, and current level of consciousness and should, therefore, be considered theory, not fact. Always use discernment when ingesting content, including this content.
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This content was originally posted on April 30, 2020.