As we walk the tightrope of the ascension process, we are called to traverse both the lower and higher states of consciousness between which we are teetering. Many on the spiritual path prefer to ignore the challenging realities of our planet, but we chose to come here at this time for a reason, and it wasn't to ignore the current challenging truths of Earth, it was to heal them. But we cannot heal that which we refuse to see.
This article is not a feel-good piece. It is gritty. But that is the reality of where we currently reside as a collective on this planet. Spiritual maturity requires us to observe truth, no matter how painful, and maintain our alignment and heart-based consciousness. This is what we are learning to do now. We did not come here to pretend the darkness within us, and within this world, does not exist. We came here to transmute it and rise from the ashes. The time for denial is done; truth is rising.
There has been much corruption, darkness and control on Earth for millennia. What has been inconceivable is now unavoidable, and we are realizing that we exist in a world of programming, conditioning and control. Some people refuse to see this reality, but more and more are waking up to it.
Over the next decade, we will slowly realize how manipulated we have been. We will come to understand that a group of controllers have been in charge on Earth, and their aim for humanity has not been well-intentioned. They will desperately attempt to maintain their power, but the fear spell is broken, and humanity is rising. Whether we choose to see the truths revealed or not is an individual choice we must each make.
Here are some (far from all) of the truths and tactics coming to light that we are all currently grappling to understand, process, and overcome:
1) Media
Social media, television, movies, radio, magazines, video games, music, and advertisements are programming designed to spread a narrative and control exposure. The media also desensitizes and prepares the people. We are taught to believe hatred, division, war, violence, poverty, and trauma are normal, acceptable, unavoidable, or even beneficial. We are prepared through the media for future events so that we are desensitized and compliant when they happen. The media is controlled, and it is a weapon.
2) Fear
Fear is the most effective way to control people. Scared people give away their power for the false promise of safety. We must investigate "the why" when anyone attempts to push us into fear frequency. The reason is likely not for your own protection, as claimed.
3) Divide and conquer
Division tactics are used to divide people. We are powerful when we stand together, so division is essential to weaken us. Topics such as race, gender, political ideologies, religion and much more are purposefully used to divide us. Our current societal structure is based on competition and perceived threats. We are coerced into division and fooled into blaming one another while the real perpetrators go unseen. We are taught to hate and attack anyone who holds an opposing view. We must stop and wonder why we are prepared to judge, condemn, hate and police one another instead of working together to find solutions through collaboration and unity.
4) Problem-Reaction-Solution
Controllers use this tactic when they want to implement a particular agenda. Step one: create a problem or take advantage of a current one. Blast it everywhere in the media and wait for the fearful reaction from the people. Step two: the unwitting civilians predictably react to the problem and demand action from the governing agency (as we have been trained to do). Step 3: the agency heroically swoops in with the solution, which just so happens to support their original agenda (unbeknownst to us). This is why each person is responsible for researching every "solution" presented to us and considering whose objective it may serve.
5) Distraction tactics
Distraction is how unethical deeds are done while nobody is looking. A distraction can be created, or an actual event can be utilized. Anytime something dominates mainstream media, look elsewhere to see what you are being distracted from.
6) War
Wars are instigated because they instate power, make money and create massive amounts of fear, distraction and division, which continues to feed the controllers.
7) Disconnection from inner divinity
Spiritual sovereignty was stripped from us by demonizing our personal connection to the Divine. Internal connection was replaced with dogmatic religions, politics, and false science. These organizations use fear tactics to convince people to give their power to a "higher" source.
8) The era of the mind
We are taught to disconnect from our hearts and rely solely on the brain because the brain is easily programmed; the heart is not. You are vulnerable to influence when you allow your intuitive and empathic abilities to diminish and rely exclusively on your brain. We must use the mind and the heart together in a balanced system. When we lose our connection to the heart, we lose our humanity, compassion, and unconditional love for ourselves, one another and the planet; we become computers.
9) Destruction of nature
We are a part of nature, not separate from it, and it is our most powerful tool for connecting to and remembering our true essence. But we are taught to consider ourselves apart from nature, to fear, disrespect, and devalue it. We must remember and reestablish our proper place within the natural world as caretakers.
10) The war on the Indigenous
The destruction of indigenous land and culture worldwide has been undertaken for a specific reason. The Indigenous are guardians of this planet; they remember the truth of the natural world and the grand cycles within the cosmos. They know of and guard the sacred sites on Earth that anchor the energetic gridlines of this planet, which are essential to our rising consciousness. This is the reason for the attempted annihilation of these cultures and the capture of their sacred lands.
11) Tampering of history
Much of what we have been taught as our history has been manipulated or outright falsified. Much of what does not support the selected narrative is dismissed, hidden, or destroyed.
12) Destruction and energetic harnessing of the human spirit/energy
This is done in countless ways, but using children is the most potent and utilized. Children contain the most life force energy of all beings on our planet, so they are targeted. Child abuse is enormously prevalent in our world. Many of the world's highest governments and agencies are aware of, complicit, or participate in this abuse. Many law enforcement and judicial systems have been bought off or forced into compliance.
13) Consumerism
We are conditioned to consume constantly, working ourselves into exhaustion to buy material things to profit giant corporations. We are too tired to truly fulfil ourselves and get caught in an endless cycle of defeat. There is nothing wrong with wanting or having things, but when it becomes the driving force in our lives and society, we have fallen victim to materialism.
14) Repression of innovation
Innovation and invention that could free people from the chains of dependency are repeatedly repressed, stolen and hidden. Ask yourself why some technologies, such as smartphones, move forward at lightspeed while others remain frozen in time. Technologies that could provide free energy for all and propel planetary health and humanity forward are repressed, while technologies that enslave us and degenerate our physical and energetic bodies and the planet are pushed upon us.
15) Repression of consciousness
Aware, conscious people are the biggest threat, so the ascension of human consciousness is repressed. This is accomplished by poisoning our physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies with toxic chemicals, radiation, mind control and emotional trauma. Dark technologies currently not understood by us are used upon Earth to keep the energetic frequency as low as possible.
16) Infiltration
All systems and structures have been infiltrated to spread agendas. There are people with malicious intent in every system and network on our planet; political, pharmaceutical, health and wellness, medical, judicial, education, activism, spirituality, etc. It is our personal responsibility to develop discernment to determine what is truth.
17) Censorship
It is everywhere. Anyone who attempts to speak out against the narrative is censored, disregarded and gaslighted. Anyone with hard evidence and enough pull to create real change is eliminated.
18) Surveillance
Everything you do, watch, read, say, and purchase is collected as data. Surveillance and censorship are prevalent in modern society, and we have been fooled into thinking it is for our protection. This is how laws have been passed, making it legal for governing agencies to spy on and censor their citizens.
19) Social outcasting
Speak out, and you will be cast out. Propaganda is a tool, and it is very effective.
20) Slow stripping of freedom
It happens gradually to avoid revolt. If we look back in history, we see this happen repeatedly.
Programming and conditioning begin when we are born and are very difficult to escape. The truth is scary, painful, and difficult to accept, so we dissociate to remain in the illusion. Cognitive dissonance is very powerful. We do not want to lose our comforts, convenience or security, so we perceive the truth as a threat. Knowing would require change, so we pretend it isn't real and condemn anyone who tells us otherwise. And sometimes, it is just too hard for our egos to admit that we have been duped for so long.
We are taught to feel insignificant, but this is another illusion created intentionally to strip us of our sovereignty. In reality, each of us holds immense power and the potential to initiate massive change in the world. Here's how:
1) Process your emotions
As you recognize third-dimensional truths, you may experience waves of anger, rage, frustration, disgust, hopelessness, sadness, and apathy, but don't act from these places. We must respond, not react, which means we must process our emotions before doing anything else.
2) Release toxicity
It comes in all forms: people, relationships, social media, etc. Rather than succumbing to it, surround yourself with people and movements that uplift you. The key here is awareness and boundaries.
3) Release the fear
Not changing or acting because you are afraid is a common reaction, but you are more powerful than your fear and can move beyond it.
4) Release judgement and the need to be right
Begin to move away from division. Open your eyes, your mind and your heart. Unity is the only way forward.
5) Release force
Allow others to choose for themselves. We are each responsible for our own choices, actions and energy. Lead by example. When we force, we become part of the problem.
6) Release mainstream media's hold on you
It is a weapon used against us, but we can learn to consume with awareness or simply turn it off.
7) Release extremism
The way through the darkness is always the middle road. There are manipulation and power struggles on both sides of the line, so stay anchored and don't fall into the trap of extremism.
8) Step outside the herd
Don't be afraid to be different, stand alone, stand up or question.
9) Always practice discernment
Never blindly believe. Listen to your body and heart and be receptive to the reaction. If you haven't cultivated this sacred skill, start now.
10) Embrace compassion
No matter what, there are always good people on all sides of a situation. If we lose our compassion for one another, we have lost our humanity and the battle; we have become the darkness.
11) Self-care
Being drained helps nobody; embrace self-mastery, not martyrdom.
12) Go outside
Nature is our ultimate reset.
13) Connect
There are others on the same wavelength as you. Seek them out, whether in person or online.
14) Find joy
If you start to feel heavy for extended periods, change your focus for a little while. But always remember not to repress. We can find balance and learn to maintain the vibration of joy, or at least neutrality, throughout this process.
15) Conduct energetic maintenance
Dense energy is being released from within and is present all around us. Regular energetic maintenance is key to keeping us clear and grounded.
16) Heal
Your wounds and trauma are your responsibility to transmute and heal. Continuing to identify with and cling to your pain only keeps you harnessed to your oppressor, which may be yourself. Healing is your duty.
17) Take inspired action
We must act from a healed place of love, or we end up feeding into the density. Get yourself right, listen to your heart and take the actions it calls you to take.
18) Forgive
Carrying hatred darkens our hearts. We must learn to forgive others and ourselves.
19) Believe and have faith
Awakening to and rising above the darkness is not an easy path, but it is the one you have chosen. Harness your inner strength. Raise your consciousness through healing and holding love, compassion and forgiveness in your heart while standing firm for humanity.
20) Remember, we came here for this.
This article stands outside the usual "light and love" concepts of trendy spiritual content, but awareness of these truths is a part of awakening and a genuine ascension path. However, we are not meant to get stuck in these atrocities. This is a tricky part of the journey, which is apparent by the number of people that do become trapped here. The middle path is essential. We must hold awareness of the current realities as they come to light (which they will), without becoming consumed by them.
For some, they want to shy away from this type of information because it challenges our belief systems and way of life, which is very understandable. However, moving through, not around, our personal and collective density is how we transmute it. There is no need to fear any of this as each of us holds the power to rise above it. You are fully capable of awareness and healing of these energies within yourself, which will contribute to collective healing. There is no need to focus externally or force others. Look and focus inwards; this is the way through.
Written by: Lacey
Up Next: The Shift
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Disclaimer: The information presented here is based on my personal experience, perception, ideas, and current level of consciousness and should, therefore, be considered theory, not fact. Always use discernment when ingesting content, including this content.
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This content was originally posted on April 15, 2020.